Monday, March 5, 2012

Untitled =)

"She" was not a transsexual.
"She" is not Liang Po Po.
I think some of you have seen this TV show before.
"She" is my childhood idol~ 水果奶奶!
I recently discovered that this TV show is still broadcasting.
I was so surprised and excited.
I have tried to recall back some hazy memories.
  Age has clouded my memory.
But at least I can still remember the theme song and some of the interludes. 
Time has passed,the season has changed,but the feeling of watching this show still remain the same.
It's still my favorite

Time is FOC,but it's priceless.
We can't own it,but we can use it.
We can't keep it,but we can spend it.
Once we've lost it, we can never get it back.

Next week will be a tough week cuz someone is not around.
Take good care n enjoy oh! 
As you said, you're in the deepest part in my heart ! 
I will miss you!  
Lastly, dont forget what we have promised to each other ya!

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